March 5, 2010

Flour Girls

A cupcake bakeshop called Flour Girls opened up in my quaint little suburb a couple years ago and I was pretty excited to sample their wares. I even braved a snowstorm to try them out on their opening day.

I was mega disappointed. The cake was a little on the dry side and the meringue buttercream icing tasted like chemicals to me. Maybe my tastebuds are fucked up cause they assure me that the cupcakes are made from all natural ingredients. So I thought maybe they were just having an off day, or maybe I was just having an off day. So I gave them a second chance and bought a 6 pack of various flavours.
They were all pretty much the same as the first one I'd tired with one exception. Their carrot cupcake called "Pass the Carrots Please" is awesome (cream cheese icing FTW!). I've also heard their red velvet cupcake called "Seeing Red" is tastey.

If you are ever in the neighbourhood (which I doubt cause we're on the outskirts of subrbia to the point of being subparburbia) I highly recomend picking up a six pack of those two, leave everything else and pretend it dosen't exist

(pictures borrowed from My Happy Cupcake Co.)

1 comment:

MyHappyCupcake said...

Thanks for the shoutout!

Yah super disappointed with Flour Girls. Such a cute name wasted on such dry cupcakes...

But you're right, cream cheese frosting saves the day!